
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baby Tatiana

ok. Here she is. Tatiana Michelle Coatney. 3/23/11 @ 07:58 am
21 inches, 7 pounds 1.6 ounces. Everything went extremely well but with taking care of mom and family I have not really been able to make a post like I wanted. Hopefully soon though.
Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes!

Mommy and Tatiana up and about

Thats me and baby!
The Good Doctor

I love these times


Ruth Trowbridge said...

Congratulations all around!! Lovely to see such touching moments, thank you for sharing. Please let me know your mailing address and I would be very pleased to send you a copy of my new book. Not that I forsee any reading being done in your house in the near future. Joy in the world. Peace

Mr. H. said...

Congratulations, she is beautiful and lucky to have selected two such fine parents to raise her.:)

Geno said...

Ruralrose- Thanks! I will get in touch with you and maybe repay you with a bottle of our mead. And don't worry, I can always make time to read!

Mr.H.- Thank you very much! i just can't get over how blessed we have been by our children and Tatiana seems to fill a void that we id not even know existed.

Roasted Garlicious said...

congrats to the family... how wonderful!!!

Geno said...

Roasted Garlicious- Very wonderful! Thanks!

Brian Sibley said...

Belated congratulations on the EVENT! And prayers and good wishes for Tatiana's health and happiness!

Geno said...

Brian Sibley- Thank you. It is very good to hear from you again!

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